Monday 22 September 2008


On Sunday I went to visit the lovely Gemma in Norwich and had some more of my arm finished off...

Here's Chun Li...

And Kitana...

Kitana hurt like hell in particular. I wanted to try and get as much done as possible but after 5 hours of work (in the most pleasant surroundings possible - Gemma's house) my arm decided to act up and not take any more. So Zelda (on my inner forearm) now has a coloured in face but not much else. My arm is very, very swollen. More to come in half term week, woo hoo!

My house now has the familiar smell of Bepanthen in the air.

Whilst being tattooed I watched the following films:

King of Kong. Genius. Billy Mitchell is the most loathsome character EVER, to the point where I was honestly convinced that everyone in the film was an actor because he's such a successful caricature of a complete tool. Also ironic to watch the film whilst having a video game tattoo. Meant I couldn't call anyone in the film a nerd, really...

The Devil Dared Me To. Silly fun. New Zealanders swearing is FUNNY.

REC. The film Diary of the Dead wishes it was. Too short, but makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Probably not the smartest move to watch a film that makes you jump whilst being tattooed, mind.

Trainwreck: My Life as an Idoit. Was reaching my pain threshold at this point, but what I could concentrate on I enjoyed a lot. Was quite touching whilst completely wrong.

No gigs this week so more blog updating than usual, I'll wager...

1 comment:

Jim Gillette said...

Do we live parallel lives?

My last session was in my house. I watched Mad Max and Flight of the Conchords while I had it done.